Welcome Presentation

  • This presentation includes the explanation of grading procedures and grading categories. In addition to the presentation, grades from assessments will be posted on PowerSchool within 2 days of taking an assessment. Quizzes will be on every Friday unless otherwise discussed. Tests will be announced in class at least 5 school days in advance. Homework will be posted on Google Classroom. If I forget to post homework on Google Classroom, I will give students enough time in class the next day to complete the assignment. If students had time in class the day it was assigned, I will not give them time in class to complete the assignment. Google Classroom is a tool to help their organization and memory. It is not an excuse to not do what is assigned to them, if by chance the assignment/assessment is not posted. Students need to take responsibility to remember what their assignments are and when their assessments are as well.

Welcome Presentation 2018 - 2019.pptx, 787.52 KB; (Last Modified on April 10, 2019)